Friday, September 18, 2009

Camp Barakel (family camp)

On the 5th-8th of September our family went to Camp Barakel, for a family camp. While we were there we heard good preaching, shot BB guns, and went kayaking. My brother Lance, along with our mom and I, shot the bows. Some of the members of our family went on the zip line. They said it was a lot of fun! Even our Mom, who does not like height's went on it and said it was a lot of fun. They have a blob there also. A blob is were you sit on the end of a giant air pillow and someone jumps on the other end and you go flying into the air and land in the lake. We also went swimming in the lake that they have there and Lance and I played in the game room. There are some picture above of Camp Barakel.

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