Monday, November 9, 2009

Dance Performance at the warton center

Last week Lydia and Haley performed at the Wharton Center. We got there before the performance, to set up which was a mistake because we had to wait for what seemed like a year (it was about 3 hours).  When they finally called us up, it was a lot of fun.  At the end of the performance we all went up on stage and recited a prayer.

Lance and Noela


Us all reciting the prayer

Me juggling

The room we waited for a year in :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My brothers birthday at the Zoo.

On the 17th we went to the Detroit Zoo. We had a lot of fun!  While we were there we saw flamingos, whose necks look like wires, because they bend them in such odd ways. We also saw some lions, we were told by the docent how the lions came to the Detroit zoo. She said, there was an abandoned house near to a school and as the school children walked by they would hear what sounded like a lion roaring. The children told the teachers when they arrived at school, but no one would believe them. After a couple weeks of the children continuing to insist that they were still hearing lions roaring, somebody called the police, who checked out the house.  They found that some drug dealers were using the abandoned house as their hideout and had a pair of lions there to scare people away. So that's the story of how the Detroit zoo got two of their lions, believe it or not! Unfortunately we forgot to take any pictures of the lions, but there are many other pictures below.

Here are some pictures of my brothers birthday at the Zoo.

Isn't the butterfly pretty?

This is a picture of a joey.

This is a picture of a turtle that lives in the Amazon river.

This is a seal.

Blobbing at Camp Barakel

Friday, September 18, 2009

Here is someone who just got blobed.

Here is someone who is blobing another person.

This is my brother Lance and my Mom .

This is my two sister Noela and Lydia olong with my brother Vince.

Here are some people going on the zipl ine.

Camp Barakel (family camp)

On the 5th-8th of September our family went to Camp Barakel, for a family camp. While we were there we heard good preaching, shot BB guns, and went kayaking. My brother Lance, along with our mom and I, shot the bows. Some of the members of our family went on the zip line. They said it was a lot of fun! Even our Mom, who does not like height's went on it and said it was a lot of fun. They have a blob there also. A blob is were you sit on the end of a giant air pillow and someone jumps on the other end and you go flying into the air and land in the lake. We also went swimming in the lake that they have there and Lance and I played in the game room. There are some picture above of Camp Barakel.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My baseball party

Last week I had my baseball party! It was fun. We played baseball, went swimming, although it was cold, and played pingpong. The food was good. The party ended at 10pm. (that's when the last person left), that's all I have to say, goodby.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Game

I'm sorry about not posting more, I'll try to post more. Part of it is that I have not had much time to post because I have been doing a lot of baseball. I play on two teams and have three games a week, along with practicing, which I do at least half an hour a day. I go to the batting cages two times a week (approximately) and try to keep our home in order and my equipment in good shape.

Yesterday, our team played a game. The first time the opposing batted, they looked like a good team, partly because we had a bad pitcher who almost always had the coach come in and pitch for him (if the pitcher throws bad pitches then the coach throws for him) and partly because when the coach throws the ball, he throws it very slow, so it was easy to hit the ball down the third base line. But in spite of them hitting it down the third base line, they only scored one run. When we got up to bat, we scored three runs. The next inning, we saw what they really were because when the coach pitched they did the same thing, but when they got people on first and second, the third base man fielded the ball and tagged his bag. When I played third, I had a ball grounded to me. I fielded the ball and threw it to first. The first base man caught the ball and tagged the base, he got him out! While I was playing third, another ball was hit to me. But this time it was a pop up, I caught the ball and that ended the inning. There was also a strike out! Our team won the game 11-1.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Our team won the last game we played. The score ended up beaing 10-0.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our first loss

6-22-09 our team played another game but this time we lost the score endedup 6-2.

Saturday, June 20, 2009



Today I memorized Acts 26:3. That Is Paul's Defence Before King Agrippa. This is how it goes: Verse 1: "Then Agrippa said unto Paul thou art permitted to speak for thy self then Paul strect forth his hands and spake for himself. I think myself happy King Agrippa for I shell speak for my self this day before thee touching all of the things whereof I an accused of the Jews."

My first baseball game

On June 15 our team played a game against the
Bread-house Warriors.  Both teams played well, but still there was a tie.

A gift from a friend

My friend Dakota gave me a gift a few days ago. It was a baseball bat! I've been wanting a bat, so it's the best gift I could have gotten!